Sunday, February 10, 2008

Eureka! I have done it. I have finally created my Podcasts today.

Finally I have figured out how to create the RSS feeds. I was so happy today that I have understood clearly the concept of Podcasting. Thanks to my colleague Alan Pollock who explained everything clearly. I created 3 podcasts today tested them and they are working fine. Insha Allah I should be able to finish my assignment2 very soon now.

I have used List Garden to create RSS feeds. I felt it was not as easy as I thought it would be I had to specify so many things. Host directory, host file, local file on which it will write the XML file into and also the FTP location. When I made all these settings once, it was very easy I started adding items to the same RSS Feed.

Once I created the XML file. I added the orange icon on to my html file and linked my XML File to the orange icon and uploaded it to the server.

Eureka! I have done it. I have finally created my Podcasts today.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How do I create an RSS Feed? I am confused

Finally I submitted my assignment 1. I felt that was much easier compared to other assignments. Started working on my assignment 2. I have created MP3 files using Audacity. I don’t know how to create the RSS feeds. I have understood what an RSS feed is. I know it’s in XML format I can type and create one easily but still I am not sure how to create the orange Icon next to my MP3’s.

I checked KG for help there were some good wiki pages.

I liked this one particularly where they were referring to different sites to easily create the podcasts.

I found Odeo was much easier but still I am not sure how to get the orange icon on my page.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Completed my Assignment 1

I have completed my Assignment 1 today and I am waiting to submit it after the Wimba session with the course group. I would like to clarify with Peter if our work colleagues contribute to our facilitated page then do we need to include the email with the assignment or it’s just enough to publish their contribution on the facilitated page.

I was really happy with the way my facilitated page on SharePoint developed. Initially when I started I thought how will I get 3000 words on my page but I was amazed to see that my wiki page has developed well with lots of discussions, comments and responses from my course members as well as my colleagues at the college and you won’t believe the word count is nearly 5000 words. It’s not just a matter of words but I did a lot of research to facilitate my page and was successful in getting plenty of contributions and had a threaded discussion and I have gained knowledge in so many different areas I just cannot believe it.
Initially when we started I felt it was over whelming but now I think it’s a great course that has introduced me to so many different and new technologies in such a short span of time.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I have started liking wikis now.

When I first started using wikis in Knowledge garden due to the vast amount of information available I felt it was very difficult to use as I couldn’t find my way around and having a passion for web designing I didn’t like the look of it as I couldn’t make it look more attractive but slowly I think I am enjoying working in a wiki environment without thinking too much on the design aspect I am concentrating more on the content.

If, I had to create a website or a word document on SharePoint that would have been only my understanding of SharePoint and if I had to ask others to contribute then it would have been a very laborious process emailing the document to each other keeping track of changes. In a Wiki I like the idea that anyone can go in and contribute, different people will have different experiences with various emerging technologies I feel this is a very good and easy way to collaborate and collect thoughts, ideas & experiences from different perspectives.

I understand the help files and How to documentations better now. I am trying to promote my facilitated page to get more input. I think I won’t be late in submitting my assignments.

Wimba Session on 8th Jan

Felt very happy talking to Peter and everyone else in this Wimba session.
Joyce, Jane, Justyn & Peter had webcams and we were able to see them. Isn’t it cool? People are sitting in different parts of the world sharing knowledge and experience on Wimba.

Joyce was the Google Jockey in this session as well. I have started liking the idea of Google jockey now.
I was able to clarify my doubts regarding Assignment 1 in this Wimba session. I have realized that I haven’t been blogging a lot, hoping to blog regularly. I felt more confident about my work after this session, felt that I am on track not very late. I have already contributed to many pages and I am hoping to do more work on my facilitated page.

About Me

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My name is Asra. I live in Abu Dhabi & I work @ Abu Dhabi Women's College.I love travelling, reading books & cooking. I enjoy being with my kids. A picture of my kids is on my profile.