Monday, January 14, 2008

I have started liking wikis now.

When I first started using wikis in Knowledge garden due to the vast amount of information available I felt it was very difficult to use as I couldn’t find my way around and having a passion for web designing I didn’t like the look of it as I couldn’t make it look more attractive but slowly I think I am enjoying working in a wiki environment without thinking too much on the design aspect I am concentrating more on the content.

If, I had to create a website or a word document on SharePoint that would have been only my understanding of SharePoint and if I had to ask others to contribute then it would have been a very laborious process emailing the document to each other keeping track of changes. In a Wiki I like the idea that anyone can go in and contribute, different people will have different experiences with various emerging technologies I feel this is a very good and easy way to collaborate and collect thoughts, ideas & experiences from different perspectives.

I understand the help files and How to documentations better now. I am trying to promote my facilitated page to get more input. I think I won’t be late in submitting my assignments.


Nicole said...


You make a really interesting point here. I also felt restricted on the KG wiki as far as layout and so on and I don't think I quite understood why I was spending so much time with aspects like headers, colors etc. I think that I've also come around to liking them although it took me using another wiki host before I could find that peace.

Paula said...

Hi Asra,
Yes, I've started to feel more comfortable in a wiki environment too, although I'm always going to have reservations about editing someone else's work. It's interesting that you talk about seeing beyond the initial look of kG, and valuing the substance of it. If you read Prensky's Engage Me or Enrage Me he says that today's NetGen kids do the same: "'Gameplay' trumps 'eyecandy' any day of the week." It's nice to know that for all their sins, todays teenagers aren't that shallow after all!

About Me

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My name is Asra. I live in Abu Dhabi & I work @ Abu Dhabi Women's College.I love travelling, reading books & cooking. I enjoy being with my kids. A picture of my kids is on my profile.